Man I love ePub

Posted on Sun, 14 Nov 2010 in Books • Tagged with ePub, iPhone, Lisp, MIT, PragProg, Programming, Smalltalk, Stanza

sicp-coverI recently listened to a very interesting podcast from the Pragmatic Programmers featuring an interview with Uncle Bob. At the end they talked about a book Robert had recommended at the most recent RailsConf called Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

It's an older book but it sounded like a …

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Week one without a car

Posted on Sat, 07 Nov 2009 in Eco-friendly • Tagged with 42, Bike, Bus, Environment, Green, Train

Our car Today marks the day where we have officially been without a car for a full week! While there are many who have survived without a car their whole life, and don't see this as something special - it is a a big deal to us because we have grown used to …

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Pick of the week: trioBike

Posted on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 in Pick of the week • Tagged with Bike, Environment, Green, trioBike

Triobike all three configurationsThis weeks pick comes a bit later ((And it should have been a Mac app I use every day, but you'll have to wait until next week for that one.)) than usual. This is because we have been out using it ever since we got it on Thursday evening. As …

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Powered by wind turbines

Posted on Tue, 19 May 2009 in Personal • Tagged with Environment, Green, Wind power

Green PowerAs of July 1st our entire household will be using green power from danish wind turbines ((Yes I know, we don't have magic cables that only transport power from the wind turbines to our power outlets, but for each kilowatt we use, we will donate a percentage of the cost …

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