Pick of the week: Prowl

Posted on Thu, 03 Sep 2009 in Pick of the week • Tagged with Apps, Growl, iPhone, Perl, Unix

ProwlThis weeks pick is another iPhone app by the name of Prowl. Prowl promises to bring Growl from your desktop to your iPhone. When I first heard about Prowl I thought that this was surely the stupidest app ever! - Why on earth would you want your Growl notifications on your …

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Irssi, Jabber & Adium

Posted on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 in Technology • Tagged with Adium, Growl, IRC, Irssi, Jabber

Irssi logo A while ago I switched from Colloquy to Irssi, and I haven't looked back since - not even once.

While I really like this old-school text mode irc client, I do miss some of the nice features from Colloquy such as sounds and growl popups when highlighted.

I wanted to write …

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iTerm redux

Posted on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 in Technology • Tagged with Adium, Growl, iTerm

I have great news for all you new Mac convertiees who dislike Apples Terminal.app for one reason or another. ITerm has just been released in version 0.9.0 - Lets just say that this version is a huge improvement over all the previous releases! I have been using it …

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