Life is magic!

Posted on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 in Personal

imageToday I have been married to my sweet wife for a whole year - And what a year it has been! - We've moved to a new house - We've been married - We've been to Egypt - Our basement has been flooded, ruining most of our stuff ((Fortunately the insurance guys has been very nice to us =) )) - We wanted to remove a wall in our new house, and ended up remodeling the whole house - new windows, new floors, new ceilings, new kitchen - basically everything except the walls and the roof have been replaced or fixed. - My wife got a new job at Adnuvo - My wife is pregnant again - wonder if it is a boy or a girl, guess time will tell... ;-)

Time flies, a year passed - damn it was fast... To all the people we know, friends and family who we haven't spent as much time with as we would have liked: Our remodeling project is finally coming to an end and we should hopefully soon have a lot of spare time on our hands - prepare to be visited or just come visit us ((But please, do call first ;-) )) :-) To my wife: Happy anniversary, I'm looking forward to another eventful year with you and our little family :-D